Osteopathy For Gut Wellness

Viscera means organ and visceral osteopathy is a branch of osteopathic treatment that focuses on restoring balance and equilibrium to the internal organs of the body and their associated tissue structures, particularly within the abdominal and pelvic cavities.

What is Visceral Osteopathy?

Sometimes likened to stomach massage, visceral osteopathy involves gentle manipulation of the connective tissues of the viscera (internal organs). These tissues hold and suspend the organs in place, and additionally contain vessels and nerves that supply nutrients and provide neurological communication between organs and the brain. Releasing tension and restriction of the viscera and their tissues is intended to restore equilibrium and optimal function.

Visceral Osteopathy is used within general osteopathic treatment, and other areas that contribute to dysfunction are also treated where indicated.

Tummy massage for Constipation
Tummy massage for Constipation
Treatment to aid gut health, digestive discomfort & abdominal pain.

Why might someone choose to have Visceral Osteopathy?

People who are experiencing gut issues may find visceral osteopathy beneficial. Some examples include reflux, bloating, constipation and visceral hypersensitivity (abdominal pain). This works best alongside a multidisciplinary approach to addressing diet, lifestyle and environmental factors.

Another reason people might consider visceral osteopathic treatment is for chronic musculoskeletal pain that isn’t resolving with usual treatment. People with digestive issues sometimes present with neck or back pain, that can be connected to their digestive problems. An example of this is reflux. Reflux can sometimes refer to the mid back between the shoulder blades, while some people with reflux may present with neck pain. This can be due to the shared nerve pathway of involved organs and musculoskeletal structures.
Sometimes there may be no symptoms of digestive dysfunction. However, the visceral connective tissue can be prone to restrictions and tension like the rest of the body potentially affecting other structures, causing pain.

Some people seek visceral osteopathy due to feeling stress and tension in their abdomens which affects their general well-being. Treating the abdomen can help stimulate the vagus nerve, improving vagal tone. The vagus nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system and is sometimes known as the ‘rest and digest’ state. So, a visceral osteopathic treatment can help to stimulate deep relaxation and improving vagal tone can help to improve digestion.

The body is a three-dimensional complex structure seeing it from this perspective can be beneficial for the best outcomes.